Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Baby Love :)

Ideas. Ideas. Ideas. I got this saying from pinterest. . .
Oh the things you can take from there, and use it for something else!

This can be made in with any background, font, color, and size!

This would look great in a side by side frame with a
baby picture next to it!

Father's Day Gift

This is one of the gifts we got our dad for Father's Day. We took the saying from Pinterest and put it into a photo card. We bought a simple side by side frame and put a picture of the grandkids next to it. We can do this for you.... We can customize it any way you would like! Let us do something like this for YOU!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

This is a picture that Stacey and I took of Cooper in the middle of summer.  We used Pixlr to edit it.   This is a great website for editing, cool effects and lots more!